Active Projects

Image for DigitCHAT


A real-time, large-button AAC system that supports continuous motion on a number pad

Image for StudyRunner


A semi-automated, Web-based system for designing and running stimulus-response studies

Image for SymbolPath


An icon-based AAC system that supports continuous motion and free-order selection

Image for RSVP-iconCHAT


A small-footprint, icon-based AAC system that can be controlled with a single input signal

Past Projects

Image for Approximation Models of Combat in StarCraft 2

Approximation Models of Combat in StarCraft 2 (2012)

Computationally efficient methods of predicting battle outcomes in StarCraft 2

Image for i2b2 NLP Shared Task: Medication Extraction Challenge

i2b2 NLP Shared Task: Medication Extraction Challenge (2009)

A semi-supervised system to infer medication information from loosely structured patient records

Image for Business Intelligence in Higher Education

Business Intelligence in Higher Education (2007 – 2008)

A logical model to address enrollment management issues at institutions of higher education

Image for Robotics Technology Transfer Initiative

Robotics Technology Transfer Initiative (2007)

Improved speech recognition and vision functionality for Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs)

Image for Linux Cluster Management System

Linux Cluster Management System (2005 – 2006)

A node-allocation and resource scheduling system for distributed, high-capacity Linux clusters